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david atkins posted a status
Jan 8, 2022
What’s up America ? I’m just sitting here wondering what to do . My 15 year old who is failing 4 classes this semester 😢 my 9 year old is failing his grade . They are both staying home alone while I go to work . They are doing remote learning from home as the schools require kids to wear mask most of the day. I need help as Im watching my family suffer because of others greed . Time for real Americans to stand up together for the truth

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  • VIP

    did you try to speak with neighbours that have kids of same age to get together and maybe hire a private teacher to come at one of your houses to teach all the kids? You can rotate the houses where the classes are made, Also, if any of the parents have experience teaching, they could get paid by the other parents, or just each parent teach all kids rotating schedule so all of you are able to get to work too


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