When I was a little girl I new there was someone bigger than me. I new it was not my mom or dad. I did not know however who it was. I was taken to Church by a family friend. I started to get to know this personage witch is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I love them all. I felt like they had left me on my own when my mom and dad split up. I know now it was not my fault. I still felt that I need to help my mom take care of my brother and sister which I love very much. Well I that is as fare as I am going with that. You see God is changing our world because these bad people that where going to put us in to the New world Order. They would control us all. This has been happing since I was born or close to the time I was born, But You know something People try to say Trump is all over himself because he says we all the time. Well I am so thankful to Him for listening to God and helping us put a end to this. I know there are people out there like me that can afford to give a lot to the save america plane. But I can pray.... So brothers and sister if you need payer please email me at
lifecoachingislove@protonmail.com and put in the subject line put please pray
lifecoachingislove@protonmail.com and put in the subject line put please pray