The Past does not equal the future is what my teacher Kain Ramsay says. People are very scared of failure and this is the number one reason people don't go after what they want in life. Well for me I started at very young age loving God. I new there was something bigger then me out there in this big world. I was soon to find out that there was also something very evil. I am a life coach and I want to help people. We do not have to do this alone. We can do this together. If you want more info please text me at
(707) 870-9071 just put in the text want more info life coaching. with either a phone or email. I will get back to you. Please understand that I am a Christian so I will be adding to this blog I am doing right in with info ever other day.
Hang in there brothers and sister that are a wake. Hang in there good things are yet to come.
and not build back better.....
(707) 870-9071 just put in the text want more info life coaching. with either a phone or email. I will get back to you. Please understand that I am a Christian so I will be adding to this blog I am doing right in with info ever other day.
Hang in there brothers and sister that are a wake. Hang in there good things are yet to come.
and not build back better.....